Planning Committee
Planning Committee
To view the agenda and reports for this meeting, please click on the following link:
10th April 2020
Kendal Town Council Committee and Council meetings are set to continue via teleconferencing now Government has enacted the required legislation to enable these to be undertaken remotely.
We are keen to continue to have our meetings via teleconferencing and maintain the democratic process. However, we are mindful of the current situation and meetings will only be held where decisions are needed. If they are not held, update reports will be produced and placed on our website. Where meetings are held, agendas will continue to be published on our website available here.
The next meeting being held is Management Committee on Monday 20thApril at 7.30pm. As previously advised, Planning Committee is already operating remotely on the first and third Monday of the month.
Our meetings continue to be open to public participation. This will be achieved either through joining in with the teleconference meeting or via prior correspondence which can be communicated at the meeting. Both can be arranged direct with the Town Clerk, Liz Richardson by contacting her at
Chair of Management Committee, Councillor Stephen Coleman, said “Setting up virtual meetings is a new area for us. We feel that it is important to keep democracy going during these very difficult times and ensure that decisions are made by elected members as much as possible.”