Kendal Town Council


At the Kendal Town Council meeting held on 6th January 2020, Members discussed the Budget for the Financial Year 2020/21. Council voted in favour of an annual £3.79 rise in the Kendal Town Council element of the annual Band D Council Tax for Kendal residents.

The majority of the increase is to contribute funding towards enhancements to the Environment Agency Flood Relief Scheme. This is seen as a project of critical importance for the town, both now and for many years to come. Other priorities include support for Biodiversity plans, either through direct Council projects or to support third party activities.

The Mayor of Kendal, Councillor Alvin Finch commented “Kendal Town Council recognises the importance of providing value for money for Kendal residents. This rise is less than 8p per week for a Band D household and our precept remains lower than many of the other towns within South Lakeland. The flood relief scheme is of major importance for Kendal, so I am delighted that Kendal Town Council approved funds to enhance the current Environment Agency proposals.”

13 January 2020